Hi, I’m Archer and I’m a software developer
I've been working in web development for over ten years, and I've had the privilege of working on some amazing projects during that time. From designing and building e-commerce site to developing custom portfolios, I've tackled a variety of challenges and honed my skills along the way. But what I love most about web development is the constant opportunity to learn and grow. There's always something new to discover, and I'm excited to share that journey with you..
I'm available for freelance web development projects, and I'd love to work with you! Whether you need help with front-end development, React.js, or something else entirely, I'm here to help. You can contact me directly through my email at the contact page or order a direct talk, and we'll get started on your project right away.
Archer Zou

My career journey so far
Implemented visual solutions for customer data application and analysis, focus on functional module testing and website security.
Apr 2010 - Dec 2012
CETC 14th
Write test functions for Radar data signal processing module.Use .NET and Web Services to develop distributed resource information sharing GIS platform.
Dec 2012 - Dec 2016
Developed 3D interactive space GIS web application leveraging CesiumJS and threeJS, ensured coherent user experiences across desktop and mobile platform.
Dec 2016 - Present
Develop and launch Honeywell products application website for service and repair around the world using React, TypeScript and Mongodb, mainly collect customer feedback, product information retrieval, and fault summary, using jest for functional test
- I am currently here in my journey :D
A simple stack that you can always trust
I've been a software developer for over 10 years, and while my stack has shifted over the years, I kept coming back to the same technologies. The following is the stack that I've developed & honed over the years as a software developer.

8+ years of experience

5+ years of experience

4 years of experience

4 years of experience

2 years of experience

2 years of experience

Articles and Podcasts
I have writtern some articles to summary the knowledge during the development.